Hopefully Valve fixes this, but until then-
surfing feels SO MUCH BETTER in CS:GO.
surfing feels SO MUCH BETTER in CS:GO.
If you haven't tried CS:GO surf in a while, you should give it a shot. Because you deserve that.
"But CS2 replaced CS:GO. What are you talking about?"
Fortunately, that's not true! :)
Video Tutorial
🙉 Step-by-Step Text Guide (with pictures):
Step 1
Right-click on CS2 in your Steam library and select "Properties..." from the dropdown menu.
Step 2
Select "Betas" and change the selected Beta Participation from "None" to "csgo_legacy - Legacy Version of CS:GO". Steam will download CS:GO's files once this is done.
Step 3
Launch CS2. Steam will ask which game you'd like to play- choose the legacy version.
Once the game has launched, simply click the "Connect to Server" button at the top of this page to join the server. Your game will automatically start downloading the maps and models if it's your first time joining.
If you're reluctant on clicking steam links on lesser-known websites, don't fret! Simply follow the short guide below to connect to my server the old fashioned Community Server Browser way. 🤓
Connecting through the Community Server instead
At CS:GO's main menu, you will get pop-ups from Steam, select either "OK" or "yes" and "More info.." when prompted.
When the Steam overlay is shown, press the ESC key.
Congrats! Press the play ▶ icon in the left-side of the CS:GO main menu, then click the "PRACTICE WITH BOTS" dropdown and choose "COMMUNITY SERVER BROWSER".
Use the "Favorites" tab in the server browser to add debaby.datho.st:28336 to your favorites, then hit "Refresh".
My Server Info:
Server name: de_baby's Surf + BHOP + Movement + Screenshot Server
Server IP: debaby.datho.st:28336
KNOWN BUG: If you experience stuttering, simply change the map with !nominate and !RTV. You don't even need to switch maps, only reload one.
This happens when the server is empty for longer than 3 hours; the server will stay running on the same map until changed by a person, and the memory leaks. I am working on setting the maps to change automatically after an hour or so.
Copy these commands into the server's GAME CHAT to activate!
!knife - change knife
!glove - change gloves
!ws - change weapon skin
!models - custom player models
!nominate - add a map to the "vote list"
!rtv - vote on a map/change the map !!BUG: Sometimes RTV remembers the last chosen map. working on it.
!surftimer - brings up the surftimer menu
!help - get a list of most of the server commands
*!cw - change weapon models (knife, M4, AK, AWP, grenades, etc) to custom weapon models.*
!trails- change your trail...
*If choosing a weapon model for a gun or grenade, you must type give weapon_awp into the console (or whatever weapon you want) to drop the weapon you are trying to change skins on. The knife is in the player's hands by default, so custom weapon models for the knife don't require this step.
I am trying to rewrite the !knife(!ws), !gloves, !cw and !models plugins to function all together, either by limiting !gloves + !knife (these show CS:GO's base weapons/gloves) to one team and !cw + !models (these show CUSTOM weapons/gloves) to another, or by another method.
Update 4/7/24 / I have swappped from the !cw plugin to the !ws / !knife !gloves plugin(s) as per requested. Also added weapon inspect maps to the selection. (:
Update 6/30/24 / I have added the !cw plugin back into the server, if you'd like to pick a "normal" knife, use !knife and !ws in conjuction, like normal. If you have issues with a "non-normal" knife (a !cw custom weapon model), simply say !cw and select "Default model" for the knife, then proceed to use !knife and !ws plugins. You may have to drop your current knife if you see 2 knives in your on-screen inventory.
Let me know which way you'd prefer. I am still trying to make the plugin to toggle or merge them.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any good map recommendations or if you experience any bugs 🐛
The majority is player models, maps, and weapon models. Sorry about the size.
If you feel like being generous.. <3
I got the multiple sclerosis and my meds are dumb expensive 🤢
GPU Can't keep up, MOBO is old AF i just wanna compute >.>
I work at family electrical warehouse supply for shit money I'm tired lool
SurfHeaven still hosts DEU & AUS Servers!
Make sure to check them out if you live closer to Germany or Australia!